Healthcare Companies Need Re-boot for Employee Retention

Healthcare Companies Need Re-boot for Employee Retention

Healthcare Companies Need Re-boot for Employee Retention

A company is only as good as its employees

Look at the top 100 companies to work for and you will find a few things in common. They want to attract good employees and retain these employees.   They offer good perks, excellent benefits, and a high percentage tend to be in the tech industry.  Tech companies understand that good employees are necessary to stay at the top of their game.  But, what about other industries?  Many healthcare, hospitality, and retail businesses treat employees as a disposable commodity. But, at what cost?

Turnover is expensive

The time and cost to find a new employee including recruitment, training, workplace integration, salary and benefits adds up. Salary and benefits may be a constant for s specific position, but all other factors are new costs each time there is a need to hire a new employee. Some healthcare companies are a revolving door for employees due to lack of evolution in the workplace. The cost spent on re-hires could better be used in benefits and employee retention for the betterment of the company.

Long hours lead to burnout

The healthcare industry has one of the highest employee turnover rates. The employees work long hours which leads to fatigue, lack of sleep, and unhealthy habits. Many facilities are understaffed requiring double the workload for current staff to keep up on patient care.  When employees are overworked and tired they feel frustration and discontentment with their employer.

Balance is Key

Make sure your employees have adequate breaks, good training, and ancillary support as needed to give proper care.  A coordinated safety and ergonomic program that is reinforced daily will prevent injuries. An employee in pain is not going to be happy or able to do their job properly putting patients and staff at increased risk. Giving recognition to employees for participating and properly implementing ergonomic and injury prevention skills and good patient care is one way supervisors can show they care about their staff.

Healthcare and tech

Healthcare is outdated in its management style making employee engagement minimal and frustration levels high. It is time for healthcare companies to catch up in the business world.  At a time when technology is prevalent there are many apps to improve team collaboration and communication for the betterment of patient care.  When employees are in the know and part of a team, they want to work harder to make their team the best it can be. Time for healthcare companies to re-boot and learn some lessons from tech companies in how to keep employees happy which will lead to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

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