Why is Ergonomics Important for Remote Workers?

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Why is Ergonomics Important for Remote Workers?

Remote work was already an up and coming option for those that use computers for their job. But with the onset of COVID-19, many more workers have been suddenly forced to work from home. A missing link to the home office has been ergonomics. 

What is Ergonomics? Ergonomics is designing the workspace to fit the worker to allow the person to work efficiently and safely.  In the fixed office building, with standard equipment, there was more opportunity to be sure the environment was accommodating to the workers. 

At home, people work with varied equipment and varied spaces.  Some already had a dedicated office space. Some are using kitchen tables or couches as their “office.” Many are managing two adults working at home along with children learning remotely. As you can see, not one solution fits all remote office workers.

But why is ergonomics important?  First, without good ergonomics, a worker ends up using awkward postures which is a major risk factor of developing MSDs or musculoskeletal disorders. Secondly, good ergonomics also makes a workstation more efficient, which leads to improved productivity. Thirdly, a company that implements an ergonomics program is letting their employees know they care about their health and wellbeing. This in turn lends to improved employee retention.

An ergonomic assessment is focused on each individual’s workstation, physique and a unique work situations. One size does not fit all.  Chairs vary in size; some prefer to stand and others to sit; each person has a varied level of fitness.

During an ergonomic assessment, the worker is educated on how to change their workspace for good ergonomics, how to correct and manage their daily postures, recommendations on any equipment they may need, and advised on warming up prior to work and taking Reboot Body Breaks© (microbreaks) throughout the day to keep blood flowing. Static postures is another risk factor for MSDs.

 If you are a seasoned or newly remote worker, make sure your workspace is set up with good ergonomics and you understand how to manage your own body throughout the day to avoid injury and feel good to enjoy your hobbies after work.

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